The Elusive Pursuit of Peace of Mind: A Cautionary Tale for the Young
In a poignant commentary, Chukwuma Ndiogulu reflects on the challenges of prioritizing peace of mind at a young age. He cites the example of Charlie Boy, a renowned TV personality, who despite his current advocacy for a peaceful lifestyle, was once caught up in the trappings of youth.
The Allure of Youthful Indiscretions
Ndiogulu notes that it is difficult for young people to heed warnings from their elders about the future consequences of their lifestyle choices. He points to the examples of Asake and Portable, two popular musicians who have adorned their bodies with tattoos. Ndiogulu suggests that even Charlie Boy, with his current perspective, would not have been able to persuade these young artists to spare their skin from tattoos.
The Regrets of Yesterday
Ndiogulu’s commentary takes a somber turn as he reflects on the regrets that many people harbor about their past choices. He cites examples of individuals who have suffered health consequences, including infertility, due to their reckless lifestyle choices during their youth. Others, he notes, have spent years in prison, only to emerge lost and without direction.
A Prescription for Peace of Mind
Ndiogulu offers a simple yet profound prescription for achieving peace of mind: subdue peer pressure, avoid hard drugs, and be content with what you have. He emphasizes that one does not need to be a religious person to live a good and responsible life. By prioritizing peace of mind over material possessions, Ndiogulu assures that one will never offend anyone and will instead be rich in the “unseen currency of peace and happiness.”
A Call to the Young
Ndiogulu’s commentary serves as a clarion call to young people to prioritize their peace of mind and well-being. He urges them to learn from the experiences of their elders and to make informed choices that will not lead to regret in the future. As Ndiogulu so eloquently puts it, “When you are at peace with God, your fellow human being, and your inner self, you are a billionaire in unseen currency of peace and happiness.”
It is difficult to prioritize peace of mind at young age. Even CharlieBoy was unable to prioritize peace of mind when he ruled the TV screen many years ago.
There is nothing CharlieBoy would preach to make Asake and Portable to persuade them from subjecting their bodies to further tattoos.
If the hands of time could be taken aback, CharlieBoy won’t dare to deface his skin with tattoos. He is now in the position to tell the young ones to spare their skins from tattoos because time is coming when they would no longer love the tattoos on their skins.
It is difficult for the young ones to heed to the warnings from the aged about the future consequences of their today lifestyles.
Many poeople regrets the type of life they lived when they were young. Some people are not healthy today due to the type of life they lived during their youthful age.
Many women lost the ability to conceive dur to the excessive intake of chemicalized abort!on pills they took when they were young which affected their womb and today, they are unsble to conceive.
A lot of men spent half of their lifetime in prison due to the type of life they lived during their youthful years. Today, they are out of the prison but they lost direction in life.
You must not be a religious person before you could live a good and responsible life. Once you are able to subdue peer pressure, flee from hard drvg intake and be contented with what you have, you did be on the right path for life.
You don’t need too much material things before you could be happy in life. If you prioritize peace of mind over material things, you will never offend anyone. When you are at peace with God, your fellow human being and your innerself, you are a billionaire in unseen currency of peace and happiness.