You are currently viewing Congratulations to Americans. Now you have a president who has the fear of God and would promote moral uprightness in your country.

Congratulations to Americans. Now you have a president who has the fear of God and would promote moral uprightness in your country.

Congratulations to Americans. Now you have a president who has the fear of God and would promote moral uprightness in your country.

Iran, Hisbolla and Hamas should be careful and the Houthis should be more careful because an American president who believe in the ancient map of Israel and Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel is here.

European Union should better get ready to up their defence spending in order to defend themselves from Russian aggression without the assistance of America because Trump is likely not to defend or intervene if Russia áttãcks them.


There would likely be peace around the world because the most powerful president in the world is not a wårmöngër. He is only interested in what would benefit America.

Iran, Hisbolla and Hamas should be careful and the Houthis should be more careful because an American president who believe in the ancient map of Israel and Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel is here.

European Union should better get ready to up their defence spending in order to defend themselves from Russian aggression without the assistance of America because Trump is likely not to defend or intervene if Russia áttãcks them.

African countries should just mind their business as Trump doesnt regard them from day one. Every African nurturing the plan to migrate to America should look elsewhere because there would be stringent requirement from anyone applying visa to relocate to America.

To all my Facebook followers living and working in USA without proper documentations by the immigration officials, may God continue to hide you guys from the eyes of government deportation officials until your papers are complete. Your sufferings shall never be in vain.

May the 60 million American voters who voted for him rejoice at the end of his tenure and may millions of every American voter who didnt vote for him appreciate him for being a father to all Americans at the end of his tenure.

To us who has no ambition to move to America, May God grant our request for better life right here in Nigeria.

Once again, congratulations to Americans.


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