Ecerpt from ChkwumaNdiogulu
I don’t know if you are following Judy on Tiktok. I love her story-telling skills.
An interesting story an inexperienced story-teller took time to tell on social media might be boring to watch and listen to due to the person’s lack of story-telling skills. But if Judy narrate the same story to the public via social media, you will be captivated by her scintillating story telling skills.Judy is talented all-round.I was glued to my phone for more than 15 minutes listening to Judy as she narrated a very interesting story.From Judy, I learnt that story telling doesnt entails only talking. Welcoming facial expressions, hand gestures and body posture are all the ingredients you must put in the pot while cooking and serving a story to the public.What of Judy’s voice? Her voice is so soothing to the soul. Looking at her glowing skin as she narrate the story is another balm of Gilead that heals a worried soul.How can a woman of 40yrs old that has given birth to many children look so stunning and spotless like this?She is almost perfect in everything. She is good in acting, telling stories, singing and trading. She give peace to her man and make sure her family (husband & Children) are well taken care of.I deliberately posted multiple screenshots of her different facial expressions as she narrated the story on Tiltok. Enjoy the pictures.