Today is U.S presidential election: Kamala Harris & the antics of Donald Trump
When Joe Biden stepped down and Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee for the 2024 US elections, Donald Trump saw the handwriting on the wall and knew he was done. Trump prepared only for Biden, whose incoherence made him look youthful but never had a plan B. This is when Trump started his extreme spiraling.
I observed that in the first few weeks of Kamala’s arrival, Donald Trump started holding his rallies in troubling patterns. The weeks were egregious. Howell, Michigan, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Johnstown, Pennsylvania—what do these places have in common? They’re all sundown towns. This is where Donald Trump is choosing to hold his rallies.
What is a sundown town? A sundown town is a community that intentionally excludes people of color, particularly Afr!can Americans, from living and working within its borders. The term comes from the warnings given to B!ack people to leave a town by sundown.
Small flashback: When I was about 22 years old or so living in the US, I had a boyfriend who is white from La Crosse, Wisconsin, a pure sundown town. We traveled to his hometown, and I saw things with my eyes, like bllks working there and hurrying to leave before sundown. And when we went to Diners, I was getting looks like what is she still doing here by this time. This boy was nuts about me so he took me everywhere, even his parents, that are very very right leaning and a bit on the racsssist had no choice but to accept me. Later my BF explained a lot to me about the town and told me he loves me and never to worry about anything, that he got my back. It was a summer fling, though, and was great while it lasted.
Trump and his maga wanna go back to efing Dred Scott (look up Dred Scott), make America great again. When was Amer!ca ever great? When was it ever great for bllks and colored folks? You got a presidential candidate for the GOP doing a sundown town tour around the country, not looking for political gain. He’s effing rallying the troops. These cry baby beeches want nothing but a civil war again. Make no mistake about it, guys, this is a real threat. These %^ are domestic terr0r!sts, and they need to be treated accordingly.
To bIIack MAGA, bIIack Trompists, people of coIor who are MAGA. If and when MAGA wins and they take over, you are not invited to the party. They will use you and take from you, and they will coerce and corral and then at the end, they will treat you like they think of you, a be@st of the field. You look that sheet up. As soon as they get the opportunity, they will shift and they will h@ng you from a fkin t!rrree. Believe that! Run when you can. Run while you can. They’re coming for you, but they’ll smile while they do it. Fact.
To all: Just a reminder that you cannot tell someone you love them and vote for somebody who is actively trying to take their rights away. You may be able to separate relationships from politics, but that is a luxury and a privilege that not everybody has. Your vote is an act of love and support or an act of vi0Ience. Don’t be a Mamatot.
To anyone who voted for Trump: Let it sink in you voted for a candidate endorsed by the K!K!K. For the rest of your life, you have to know that you voted the same way as the Klans. No ifs, ands, or buts. No doubt about it. You voted for h@tred. You voted against women, against the rainbow community, against Mexicans, against bIIcks, Let it be on record that you are a mean mf.
To Maga: You love Trump because he gives you permission to love the parts of yourself that should and need to change, to love the parts of yourself that are hateful and bigoted and oppressive and close minded, to love these things because he is these things and he is these things loudly and proudly in front of everyone and if he can do that there, you can do that at your table or in your community, at your kids soccer games or in your Walmart’s or in your churches, you can too be h@teful and b!goted and 0ppress!ve and small minded. He represents you. He represents those things within you so you love him. He h@tes the same people you h@te not because they’re d@ngerous or bad but because they look different from you. And the fact that he gets to hate them out loud makes you feel so comfortable h@ting them, and this makes it really hard to love you.
Donald Trump is a masterclass in white privilege. Trump can’t say enough to be racist. He can’t commit enough crimes to be a criminal. He can’t fail enough to be a failure, and he can’t say enough stup!d things to be stup!d. He is so shielded and insulated by the idea and the concept of wh!teness that he is unfking touchable. The thought conjured around him matters more than any reality, any reality. He is a Christian that doesn’t know the Bible, that fucks porn stars, that is mean. Grabs women by the puzzy. Grabs women by the puzzy is the least Christ like, but the sheer promise of the wh!teness that exists inside Donald Trump is enough for everyone, wh!te and b!!ck people, black people, a lot of them who worship wh!!teness and aspire to the level of wh!!teness that Trump has. It’s enough for them to say, hey. He’s still our guy no matter what.
It’s the wh!teness he guarantees to protect. That’s what he represents. It’s their being that he guarantees to protect. That’s something that they won’t say, but that is what they’re voting for.
1. Shocker: A bipartisan border bill that would have given Biden power to close the border, actually, at the southern border, but it got shut down because Trump started intervening. It’s one of the top issues this election, especially with his maga base, who are only against migrants that don’t look them, wh!te. Donald Trump wanted to be able to run on immigration, so he calls up all his Republican friends, says, hey. Don’t vote on that bill. Even though the bill had bipartisan support. Biden worked with the Republicans across the aisle, and then it got shut down by Donald Trump. And you know his target, blkks. He accused Haitian immigrants in Ohio of eating the cats and dogs of residents, an obvious mendacity. A dangerous rhetoric which put the lives of all brown folks at risk and even more sad, they were not illegal, they are in Ohio legally.
2. Trump talked about the size of the pe3is of late golf legend Arnold Palmer at a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, the town where Palmer was born.
During his sick ramble, “Arnold Palmer was all man, and I say that in all due respect to women. And I love women. But this is a guy that was all man. “This man was strong and tough, but I refuse to say it, but when he took the showers with the other pros, they came out of there. They said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable.’ I had to say it.”
This is just 2 of the 100s of deplorable antics that he gets a pass on because of his yt privilege.
Nigerians in the US: In the last 15 years, basically since Trump, you had to deal with r@cists now saying the quiet part loud. That is the legacy of Trump. In my days in the US, the quiet part stayed quiet, but Trump came in and let the dwgs out. If you are able to vote, please, lend your voice and goodbye Trumpism.
To Kamala: You are the next president of USA. You ran a superb campaign. You handled Trump and his toxicity just right, like a pro. You are HISTORY. A monumental HERSTORY.
To Trump: You have caused enough sorrow, time to wrap it up. You won’t get away with all you have done. I trust your country on that.
I just love the fact that VOTE counts in America and other 1st worlds, unlike here. I am 54 years old. No matter how much 1 admire some some parts about America, and other developed worlds, I will NOT live abroad again, I am too old for that now! Even though home is not homing, there is no place like home. I can visit abroad and stay weeks or at most a couple of months, but will NOT live in oyibo land again. Hopefully, one day, may not be in my lifetime, votes will count here, and the path to true development will begin.
Thank you,
Maria Ude Nwachi profile